by Kelsey Jones | Jan 14, 2015
I had the honor of presenting at SEJ’s first ever webinar series, one we are calling the Marketing ThinkTank. I spoke about the editorial process, how to find and grow a community of contributors, and finding blog post ideas. Loren Baker, founder of SEJ, was the...
by Kelsey Jones | Oct 31, 2013
My ten week series with site creator Loren Baker celebrating Search Engine Journal’s ten year anniversary started today! We cover some of the key posts Loren covered back in the day, then share our opinions, me as a “Young Gun” in the SEM industry,...
by Kelsey Jones | Sep 4, 2013
I will be attending SES San Francisco next week with Search Engine Journal. I am so excited for this opportunity. In addition to attending sessions on search engine marketing, social media, and content during the three days of the conference, I will also be helping...