So I Got a Treadmill Desk…

So I Got a Treadmill Desk…

Someone joked on another blog that one of the main benefits of getting a treadmill desk is that then you get to tell people you have a treadmill desk. More of that is truer than I’d like to admit, but I came across mine for a current total cost of $40: I helped...
In the Thick of It

In the Thick of It

I finished my book. Well, I wrote the ending and felt okay about it. Unfortunately it’s only about 48,000 words and should be about 70,000 to be worth something. But I printed out all existing 136 pages at FedEx and am now going through it and adding notes where I...
Awesome Dragon Dictation Mix-Ups

Awesome Dragon Dictation Mix-Ups

So, I used the Dragon Dictation app on my phone to write some of my book yesterday, and it came up with some gems that I thought I’d share. Since I “wrote” this last night, I have no idea what they are or what I meant. Lucky me. Does anyone speak Dragon?   “It...
Lofty Hopes

Lofty Hopes

Hey all. I’m finally done traveling for a while, at least until March, I think. In between going to see my family for Christmas and traveling to Phoenix to watch my beloved Alma Mater lose in the Fiesta Bowl, I had some time to put together a goal sheet. I first wrote...
Standing Desk: Week One

Standing Desk: Week One

So this is my first week of using a standing desk. I first put a $5 7.5” tall lap desk on my regular desk, but it barely fit my laptop, and I needed my extra monitor to be the same height. I was even more convinced to do the standing desk long-term when I used this...