Have you always wanted to learn more about Kelsey? In the first episode of Search Engine Journal’s “Better Know an SEO Pro” series on Search Engine Nerds, Kelsey and current SEJ Executive Editor Danny Goodwin discuss her childhood, education, learning SEO, and what she did during the 2008 recession to supplement her freelancing goal of earning “just $100 a day.”

Some of the main points covered include:

  • Kelsey’s childhood, high school, and college experience was like
  • How she got started in SEO
  • What jobs she’s worked at throughout her career
  • Her advice for marketing and content now
  • What she is doing currently (Hint: It includes LiveSocialMediaCourse.com as well as speaking and consulting)
  • Her goals for the future!

Tune in now!


Spencer Childress

Spencer Childress

Spencer Childress has a bachelors degree in Physics and enjoys data-driven projects. He helps Six Stories with research and website changes.