What’s in My Purse?

What’s in My Purse?

I have been slowly doing a deep clean*at my house, since when we moved in, we just stuffed things in drawers and closets so we could forget what packrats we are. I started with the kitchen cabinets (I threw away over 60% of what was in our 3 (THREE!) junk drawers)....
“Name it” Giveaway with Cottonelle

“Name it” Giveaway with Cottonelle

Giveaway Week Continues! No one wants to talk about what goes on in the bathroom. It’s not really ladylike, but for something that we all do every day, it’s time to not only talk about it, but to make it fun. Summer, at least in Kansas, means tons and tons of sweat....
How to Stop a Mouse…

How to Stop a Mouse…

…from getting into your house and eating your Granola Thins, which is punishable by death in some countries: BEFORE:     AFTER:   Problem Solved.   And let’s be honest. No one was going to drink that Coors Light anyway.   “But what if the...
New Obsession: Saving 101%

New Obsession: Saving 101%

Is anyone else as obsessed with the new show Extreme Couponing as Harry and I are? One lady got over $600 worth of groceries for $6! Of course she is a stay-at-home mom (they have all this free time, after all, right? 😉 ) and I am jealous because if I didn’t have a...