Standing Desk: Week One

Standing Desk: Week One

So this is my first week of using a standing desk. I first put a $5 7.5” tall lap desk on my regular desk, but it barely fit my laptop, and I needed my extra monitor to be the same height. I was even more convinced to do the standing desk long-term when I used this...

Getting my crap together

Success is a funny thing. It is one part “Do I deserve this?”, one part “Holy crap I am overwhelmed” and a tiny bit of “what can I ignore to prove that I’m not superhuman?” The answers to these in order are, “Yes”, “I know you are, start waking up before 8am”, and...
DVR…Sworn Frenemy?

DVR…Sworn Frenemy?

Oh DVR. I thought I loved you more than life at first. You let me watch Oprah and Dr. Phil every day after I get home from work and you even sneak in a little Ellen or Judge Mathis if I ask nicely. Which is why DVR, this is going to be hard to say. You see, the very...