After reading a great post by Erik Qualman on social media, I found out that his book, Socialnomics: How social media transforms the way we live and do business has just been released this month. I quickly ordered it from and am excited to check it out. It’s only $17 and has gotten great reviews so far.

If you don’t want to order Erik’s book, he also has some great posts about social media and internet marketing on his blog,

It’s good to know that people are finally paying attention to the value of social media as a means of online marketing– this is something I talk about a lot on The Social Robot.

Kelsey Jones

Kelsey Jones

Founder/Chief Marketing Consultant at Six Stories
Kelsey Jones helps clients around the world grow their social media, content, and search marketing presence. She enjoys writing and consuming all kinds of content, both in digital and tattered paperback form.
Kelsey Jones
Kelsey Jones