Here is my final re-cap from Free State Social – and it is fellow Kansas native, Scott Raymond, who is the co-founder of Gowalla. He spoke about Location Based Networks.
Here are his main points/quotes:
- 3 Themes and how they can come together when starting Gowalla
- Touch-screen technology
- GPS on phones
- Social media
- It is basically an electronic passport- you’re ‘stamping’ where you’ve been
- Greeting Rituals
- Location is fundamental
- It taps into something that is at the core of our identity and how we belong in the world.
- Macroscopes: the way access the word at a social scale. Helps us see the aggregation of many small actions looks like when added together.
- Recording the Passport
- Looking at badges, you can tell (a snapshot) of someone’s life
- Sharing with Friends & Family
- Photos and stories make ‘check-ins’ interesting
- Photos in GoWalla get attached to your passport and where you checked in- so others can see the food that is served there.
- Discovery: hot spots and events
- Can make physical and temporal (events) places, like Free State Social
- This came from user input
- Hot spots are kind of like trending twitter topics- when a large amount of people check in to somewhere, it gets pushed up to the top of the list
- Can make physical and temporal (events) places, like Free State Social
- Putting Location to Work: From a business perspective
- #1: Deals: driving foot traffic through promotions.
- Had a onetaco promotion- sold 12 tacos for every 1 they gave away. People who had free tacos brought friends and came back on other days to pay for tacos again.
- New Jersey Nets: win tickets at certain check-ins
- Proximity marketing is traditional marketing x10- they are looking for deals because they are at your business or nearby
- #2: Service: can provide data
- Look at people who’ve checked into your business the most, and reach out to them- tweet them on Twitter or send them free coupons
- #3: Presence: &branding
- InCase has a contest to collect all of their 6 new products virtually on Gowalla so they could get a real product. People checked into Apple stores.
- Questions
- What’s your difference from FourSquare?
- We don’t consider ourselves a game. It’s more about camaraderie. It’s more about sharing your life experiences
- What’s your difference from FourSquare?
- #1: Deals: driving foot traffic through promotions.
Check out my other re-caps from Free State Social!