I came across this great video from Google’s SEO Guru, Matt Cutts, about a common question many SEO professionals get asked on a regular basis– “How can YOU make my site #1 on Google?”
I always tell clients that in my opinion, any company or person that promises you that you will get a #1 ranking is probably either a) using “black hat”, or inappropriate, SEO practices or b) doesn’t know what they are doing. Any true SEO expert knows that promising a #1 ranking to a new or current customer is a definitely no-no when it comes to SEO.
As Matt Cutts says in the below video, “There are a number of factors that come into play, such as how competitive the keywords are that you’re looking to rank for, the quantity and/or quality of links pointing to your site versus the competition you have to outrank, and much, much more. In the end, though, rankings just can’t be guaranteed (and they shouldn’t be — even if the SEO [person] you’re looking to hire does guarantee it and possesses the skills to get the job done in a completely ethical manner).”
Thanks to irisemedia for the tip on the video!