I’m feeling more motivated than ever to FINALLY complete my goals. I feel like this is going to be my best year ever, for myself, and for Harry and I. I went to Wal-Mart and got a 25 pound plate weight to use as a kettlebell since the the heaviest actual kettlebells they had there were only 10 pounds– too easy! I am reading 4 Hour Body that I got from my brother for Christmas and Tim highly recommends kettlebells, so we’ll see how that goes. He said the minimum weight a woman should start with is 35 pounds, but I decided to just go with 25 because I can barely lift that as it is. (In fact, it is still in my trunk and I need to go get it)
Besides the whole weight thing, comes the debt thing, which I am just as sick of. I’ve wanted to get out of debt for as long as I’ve wanted to weigh 135 pounds again, so 2011 is my year to finally MOVE ON and clear these 2 things that have stopped me from having a perfect life.
Sometimes I think that I did it on purpose because I feel like I don’t deserve total happiness. How depressing is that? Overall, I am really happy, but I think I keep some negative things in my life for some reason, to remind myself that happiness is only temporary, which doesn’t have to be the case!
I’ve been doing a lot of reading on the law of attraction and intention and I just need to put it into action.