I started volunteering at the library a couple hours a week. As I’m shelving holds, I snicker and think, “You can tell a lot about someone by the books they put on hold,” like I’m all high and mighty.
But then, I get a revelation and get paranoid about what my holds say about me, especially since they are the Fifty Shades of Grey, mixed with some deformed carny-interbreeding love story varieties. Also, if the book even mentions an apocalypse or any variation of the line, “Life is different now in the Seam,” count me in.
My taste in books has always varied wildly, but it was when I purposely swam closer to a couple teenage girls in our neighborhood pool after they mentioned that a certain book was just like “The Forest of Hands and Teeth” (which, call me 16, but I really liked), that I knew I had a problem.
Is this how authorship starts? A bookworm gets hooked on a certain genre, isn’t satisfied, and starts writing the books he/she wants to read? Did Stephenie Meyer think, “There is a big gaping hole in the teenage virgin-vampire love story genre and I am going to fill it”?
I have an idea for a book (doesn’t everyone?) and National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo to those of us in the know) might be the push I need to finish it. I haven’t really talked about it until now—if I do ever end up becoming a writer, I will be the superstitious kind that won’t mention the title and will gasp aloud when I hear my main character’s name over the intercom at Walgreens (so don’t even bring up this blog post if you know me in real life, as I will shuffle my feet and say it probably won’t ever happen).
I’ll also be that really awkward author that doesn’t do many readings because I am always freaking out inside, since I do my best talking through the written word, not face-to-face.
But there are things I’ll leave my house for. When a nearby college asks me to teach a class on Dystopian Literature through the English Department, I will put on my most courageous dress, add my book to the Required Reading list, and get ready to rock some future Divergent-lovers faces off.