—-this is probably the best thing that has happened in 2013, and it’s not even 2013 yet. If you’ve ever see Parks & Rec, read Bossypants, or seen any episodes of SNL that Tina and Amy are in, you are just as excited as I am.

At first I’m like,


then I think about how this will happen:


and hopefully some of this:


and I get SUPER EXCITED. Marking January 14th on my calendar now.






Thanks to the awesome comment section of this article for the gifs.

Kelsey Jones

Kelsey Jones

Founder/Chief Marketing Consultant at Six Stories
Kelsey Jones helps clients around the world grow their social media, content, and search marketing presence. She enjoys writing and consuming all kinds of content, both in digital and tattered paperback form.
Kelsey Jones
Kelsey Jones