I now see content I didn’t even know I needed to read or see or consume. Full House with no Michelle? Yes, I will spend minutes of my life watching that. Thanks Slate, The Verge, and The Huffington Post for covering it.

As I read my Twitter newsfeed, check out Facebook, or even look at my Scoopinion recommendations, I realize that there is so much amazing, funny, and entertaining content being generated today, that I just don’t have time to read through it all. I do want to learn about toxins that are threatening the brain, while also finding out about the 7 churches of Antarctica (seriously, that blog is a rabbit hole). I even want to see things I’m not even really sure I’m interested in knowing, like a Scoopinion recommended article on “what is it like to have sex with a (legal) Amsterdam prostitute.”

The thing is, I think we are entering into the age of Content Nirvana. Any subject that you could ever wonder about, chances are there is a neat and tidy 1,200-2,000 word essay written on it somewhere online, whether it be The Atlantic, Thought Catalog, or just a random blog that you happen to find via Pinterest

While Google has responded to this age of wonderment with in-depth (long form) search results to help readers know where to go when they want to read extensive content about a specific subject, bloggers and journalists have responded in kind with amazing content that I could spend ages reading.

Pair that with the rise of the content marketer role that many start-ups and companies are hiring, and make no mistake, amazing, thorough content is here to stay.

What’s Next For Writers?

So what does this mean for writers, who have struggled to find those elusive magazine assignments after being laid off from their traditional newspaper or editing job? It means that websites are looking to hire legitimate journalists that can write amazing content for an online audience. The web, which used to be seen by many as the sewer of the reputable news sources, is now first when it comes to breaking news, whether it is via a website or even a Twitter feed.

Writers will be able to ride out the content nirvana by finally being able to put their talents to good use. Websites are finally considered reputable education and news sources, and have even begun to majority affect newspaper and magazine sales as many readers are looking to get their news digitally and as fast as possible.

What’s Next For Marketers?

Marketers can ride the content wave successfully, if they do so without being pushy or fake. When you battle to be the first to get the news out, the quality of the work can suffer (that’s why it is so important to hire good writers and journalists who are trained to work under pressure).

Because long-form, in-depth content is gaining importance, it is important to gather (or even develop, if you don’t have one) a content team to figure out a long term content strategy. As better content gets more and more commonplace on the web, it is important to write content that is enticing while also making it unique. Rushing to the finish line to be first does have some importance, but as online users become more and more savvy online readers, they will begin to trust quality over quality or timeliness.


No matter your profession: web surfer, writer, journalist, or marketer, content nirvana has benefits for us all. Ride the wave, experience the zen, and realize that great content is one of the easiest ways to build a user base that respects your expertise and knowledge.


photo credit: gioiadeantoniis via photopin cc

Kelsey Jones

Kelsey Jones

Founder/Chief Marketing Consultant at Six Stories
Kelsey Jones helps clients around the world grow their social media, content, and search marketing presence. She enjoys writing and consuming all kinds of content, both in digital and tattered paperback form.
Kelsey Jones
Kelsey Jones