Because I do so much writing for my various clients and I myself have a strong interest in writing and blogging (I was, after all, an English literature and creative writing major in college), I often find amazing blogging and writing resources that have immensely helped me with my own personal and professional writing.

Whether you blog or write for fun or profit (or both), I hope these articles help you strengthen your voice. I threw a few in that aren’t directly about writing, but have helped me be a better writer in some way.

21 great articles on writing and blogging

  1. 9 Blogging Tools Every Blogger Should Be Using:
  2. How to Earn $250 Per Hour As a Freelance Writer:
  3. How To Stop Putting Things Off And Make Yourself Get To Work:
  4. A Simple Way Answer Emails Much Faster:
  5. The Lies Your Mind Tells You to Prevent Life Changes:
  6. Stop Linking to Yourself:
  7. 6 Places to Find Blog Post Ideas:
  8. 53 Freelancing Mistakes That Are Costing You Clients, Cash, and Credibility:
  9. 4 Simple Steps to Writing a Blog Post That Floods Your Inbox with Inquiries:
  10. 6 Things the Most Productive People Do Every Day:
  11. Secrets of a Killer Blog Post:
  12. You Are What You Read:
  13. How to Start a Blog for Business: 13 Experts Weigh In:
  14. You Will be Successful in Freelancing if You do These 5 Things:
  15. 15 Ways #Blogging Can Increase Your #Productivity:
  16. Wake Up 30 Minutes Early for More Ideas:
  17. The Ultimate Guide on How to Get More Blog Traffic: 100+ Tips and Tactics:
  18. Backlogged? Work Like You’re Going On Vacation:
  19. How I Write 8 Blog Posts a Week While Running 2 Companies:
  20. 7 Ways to Simplify Complex Content While Maintaining Sophistication and Nuance:
  21. How and Why To Write Persuasive, Research-Backed Content:

While this is only scratching the surface of amazing content on the written word (and how to follow through), it’s a good starting point for inspiration.

Kelsey Jones

Kelsey Jones

Founder/Chief Marketing Consultant at Six Stories
Kelsey Jones helps clients around the world grow their social media, content, and search marketing presence. She enjoys writing and consuming all kinds of content, both in digital and tattered paperback form.
Kelsey Jones
Kelsey Jones