For MoxieDot’s first live stream, I covered some of the things I do daily, weekly, and monthly to keep up with sales and marketing for my business.

Some of the things I covered include:

  • Staying up on trends: Download an RSS reader like Feedly that allows you to subscribe to lots of sales and marketing blogs. Read these blogs whenever you have free time: while standing in line, right before you go to bed, or while you’re waiting for your breakfast or lunch to cook.
  • Daily maintenance: A few of my daily tasks include adding posts to buffer/social media, monitoring ad campaigns, and writing
  • Weekly maintenance: I set recurring monthly reminders to write blog posts, reach out to meet one person for coffee or lunch (a friend or business colleague), following up with leads (via my tracking spreadsheet where I keep up with the last date I had contact with them), and pitching new client using text expanders and my trusted job source sites.
  • Monthly maintenance: This includes tracking growth, setting bigger goals (like creating ebooks, white papers, exclusive research, and doing giveaways), networking, and keeping up with best practices for SEO/marketing by treating your own website as a marketing client. For example, this quarter I’m planning on doing an SEO audit on to help identify where the website could be better. This is something that is sorely lacking for many websites.

If you liked this live video, like our page on Facebook to be notified the next time we are doing a live broadcast!

Do you want assistance with your marketing strategy? Contact us today!

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Kelsey Jones

Kelsey Jones

Founder/Chief Marketing Consultant at Six Stories
Kelsey Jones helps clients around the world grow their social media, content, and search marketing presence. She enjoys writing and consuming all kinds of content, both in digital and tattered paperback form.
Kelsey Jones
Kelsey Jones