What Have I Been Up To?

What Have I Been Up To?

What have I been up to? Well I found these, mostly because I’m obsessed with the 9GAG app on my phone:   Yeah, I know this post isn’t off to a very scholarly start. But if you came here for discussions of Shakespeare, you can peace out now because he is...

Why I Voted For President Barack Obama

Let me tell you why I voted for Obama. Among many other reasons, I voted for Obama because he isn’t some retiree who doesn’t know what Twitter is. I voted for Obama because he went to Harvard and has written 3 books, one just for his daughters. He is a...

OK, Dads, You Can Stop Being Awesome Now

And making me cry when I should be working. Amazing SpiderDad Thrills Son With Trip to Trampoline Park     Dad Surprises Son With ‘Star Wars’ Military Homecoming … on His Birthday   To my dad’s credit, it would have been pretty difficult to dress up...

Awful Weekends: No Longer an Oxymoron

I used to think weekends could never be that bad. I mean, it is two days you don’t have to work. But this past weekend has proven otherwise. I mean, yeah, my weekend was full of #whitepeopleproblems and I did squeeze in a showing of the Dark Knight Rises, but it’s...

Classy Versus Questionable

I’d like to think of myself as a fairly classy lady. Although, “thinking of” and actually being are two separate things. My duality is probably from my parents, who are so different it’s not too hard to distinguish why they got divorced when I was 14. Don’t get me...
The Downward Spiral of Advertising

The Downward Spiral of Advertising

Is it just me, or do online ads suck? Isn’t advertising supposed to be at the forefront of creativity? That’s how you get more customers, right? But when I saw this ad to the right I knew that it was just getting out of control. Do people even think about the graphics...