5 Powerful Ways Podcasts Energize Your Marketing Playlist

5 Powerful Ways Podcasts Energize Your Marketing Playlist

Podcasts enjoyed exposure in pop culture about a decade ago, but their current renaissance says a lot about how users and business people consume content today. Forbes reports that podcasting never truly fell by the wayside, and has consistently grown year-after-year....
Why Sales and Marketing Should Meet Once a Month

Why Sales and Marketing Should Meet Once a Month

A level of competitiveness between sales and marketing departments is not uncommon and can help keep work fun. The benefits of working together far outweigh any detractions. In fact, the closer sales and marketing work together, the lower the chance that communication...
What is a Customer Journey?

What is a Customer Journey?

In some circles, the term “customer journey” might be seen as an industry buzzword that doesn’t have any real effect on a department’s actual processes. Employees may believe that the path a customer takes from learning about a company and its products to making a...
Leapfrog Your Competition with Great Customer Service

Leapfrog Your Competition with Great Customer Service

What’s the one thing that your customers are going to value above all else, even your products? A great customer service experience. Here are some of the ways you can use today’s technology to enable the type of customer service  that helps you build interactions they...
How to Successfully Network at an Industry Event

How to Successfully Network at an Industry Event

Networking can take years of experience before you become comfortable—longer until you feel like an expert. For someone who is new to the industry, socially anxious, or just a little out of their comfort zone, networking can seem overwhelming. READ FULL POST...