What Have I Been Up To?

What Have I Been Up To?

What have I been up to? Well I found these, mostly because I’m obsessed with the 9GAG app on my phone:   Yeah, I know this post isn’t off to a very scholarly start. But if you came here for discussions of Shakespeare, you can peace out now because he is...
Depressed Dogs in Costumes

Depressed Dogs in Costumes

Whenever I’m feeling low, I think about things and people that are having a worse day than me. Maybe that is the American in me, but sometimes I makes me feel better and more thankful for the life I have. Enter depressed dogs in costumes, which is guaranteed to make...
Animal By-Products

Animal By-Products

If someone would have told me yesterday AM, “Today you will pull half a bird out of your dog’s mouth while dry heaving and then you will have to pick up poop vomit, also while dry heaving, ten minutes later,” I wouldn’t have believed them. Surely, those two awful...

Poop Vomit

Yep. So that happened. Exactly what it sounds like, whereas “poop” is the adjective, describing the vomit. No wonder H hates Charlie. I did too, especially when he coughed up two piles of poop vomit, once on the stairs and once on the wood floor. Want to get sympathy?...