68% of B2B Buyers Now Purchase Goods Online

68% of B2B Buyers Now Purchase Goods Online

According to a study by Acquity Group and reported on by Modern Distribution Management,  the use of e-commerce for B2B goods and services continues to increase. Out of 500 procurement officers polled (who have annual purchasing budgets over $100,000), 68% report that...
How to Find or Promote Online Deals

How to Find or Promote Online Deals

Looking for special discounts or deals online is a benefit for both customers and businesses, and it can help save customers money and also bring in additional revenue for businesses (e.g. a customer buys something because it is on sale that they normally...
How to Utilize Pinterest on E-Commerce Websites

How to Utilize Pinterest on E-Commerce Websites

By Kelsey Jones Pinterest, which has become one of the top social media marketing sites in the world within a few months, can be extremely beneficial to companies that have e-commerce sites. To reap the full benefits of Pinterest for e-commerce, there are two sides...