By Kelsey Jones
Pinterest, which has become one of the top social media marketing sites in the world within a few months, can be extremely beneficial to companies that have e-commerce sites. To reap the full benefits of Pinterest for e-commerce, there are two sides that need to be covered- Pinterest marketing from the company side and making it easy for people to pin products from a consumer side.
- Create a company Pinterest profile and have your social media or marketing teams get to work on following other pinners, pinning your own products, and re-pinning items.
- Place a Follow Us on Pinterest button on your website.
- Educate yourself on the ins and outs of Pinterest marketing with tutorials, such as The Ultimate List of Pinterest Tips, the Pinterest Marketing board, and 56 Ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest by CopyBlogger.
Input a Pinterest “Pin It” button on all the product pages of your site. For most e-commerce site, this code from the programmers Stack Overflow seems to do the trick:
<a href=”<?php echo trim(Mage::registry(‘current_product’)->getProductUrl()); ?>&media=<?php echo trim($this->helper(‘catalog/image’)->init($_product, ‘image’)); ?>&description=<?php echo trim(Mage::registry(‘current_product’)->getName()); ?>” class=”pin-it-button” count-layout=”horizontal”>Pin It</a>
You can also check out our resources about Pinterest: