2014 Goals: How to Accomplish Them

2014 Goals: How to Accomplish Them

Every year I set goals. Heck, every month, week, and day I set goals for what I want to accomplish for each time period. My goals for each year (which I usually set on my birthday or New Years) have been the same since I’ve been out of college: Lose weight, Pay...

Bucket List Update

I was looking over some old blog posts for a client and came across my September 2011 Bucket List. It’s definitely time for an update! Go to Europe August 2011 Buy a house June 2011 Become full-time self-employed permanently July 2011 Run a 5k April 2010...

My Bucket List

I figure that every hippie soul-searching sometimes-vegetarian has a bucket list, so I thought that I needed to jump on it and create one of my own. Here it is, in all its glory. I think I’ll create a page with these and then update it when they are accomplished. Some...