10 Reasons Why I Hate Cutting the Grass

10 Reasons Why I Hate Cutting the Grass

Oh grass, how do I hate cutting you? Let me count the ways. My nose/head/upper body gets so stuffed up and I can’t take Benedryl because I already take Zyrtec and you’d just find me passed out in my uncut grass. All the neighbors would say, “They...
My Life Recently

My Life Recently

Besides becoming an internet celebrity, my life has been pretty busy lately. First, I turned 26 on last Monday. I quipped on Facebook that I’m glad I’m closer to 30 than 20, because I was a real idiot when I was 20. It’s true; I was. But, I also met the future hubs...
How to Stop a Mouse…

How to Stop a Mouse…

…from getting into your house and eating your Granola Thins, which is punishable by death in some countries: BEFORE:     AFTER:   Problem Solved.   And let’s be honest. No one was going to drink that Coors Light anyway.   “But what if the...