I’m The New About.com Kansas City Expert

I’m The New About.com Kansas City Expert

Exciting news to report today! This week marks my first week on active duty as the expert for the Kansas City page on About.com. While we are still working out the kinks to get the page back to regular updates, I did publish my first post today, about the new...
I’ve Been Busy Doing Awesome Stuff

I’ve Been Busy Doing Awesome Stuff

Saturday: Helped throw a co-ed baby shower where we chugged beer from baby bottles and drew babies on plates placed on our foreheads:   Monday: Went to a FREE Macklemore & Ryan Lewis concert: Tuesday: Trampoline park. I may have biffed it and now have a...
Drenched 5k Promo Code + Giveaway!

Drenched 5k Promo Code + Giveaway!

I have another giveaway code for another great and unique 5k for you all! This one is the Drenched 5k, which is happening this summer in ten cities. Here’s some more information about it: The Drenched 5K is all about bringing back those memories of summer fun....
The Beauty of a Room Filled with Readers

The Beauty of a Room Filled with Readers

I went to The Bloggess’ (aka Jenny Lawson) book signing Thursday on the Plaza. She read a chapter from her book (hint: the one that involves colon cleanses and rapists) and then did a Q&A. I always try to think of a good question to ask, something clever...