3 More Insanity Workouts To Go!

3 More Insanity Workouts To Go!

As of this post, I officially only have 3 more Insanity workouts to go: Max Interval Pylo, Max Cardio Conditioning + Abs, and the Fit Test. I can’t believe it’s [almost] over (I wouldn’t quit now). I can’t believe I did it. It was 9 weeks. Some...

Future Amazingness

I am real pumped up for the Super Bowl this weekend. Being forced to watch football this season every Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday has finally converted me into a football fan who is looking forward to both the game AND the commercials. Many companies are...
Burning Arms and Abs

Burning Arms and Abs

My abs were burning from loling at Amy Poehler and Tina Fey at the Golden Globes last night. I did some walking in place for the first hour, and while it gets boring after a while walking in place, I got some extra exercise in that I normally wouldn’t have. Meanwhile,...