Ever since being the roommate of this blog’s owner, roughly four years ago, I was thrust into her charasmatic decorating style. So, as a guest poster, I would like to take this chance to reflect upon her taste in home decorating on looks that not only create an impact, but can be done on a budget.

Lesson one: Matching is Overrated
Upon entering college, I was exposed to many different living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms that looked like living rooms. As college students, a person will take what they can get. The cheaper the better. However, this often results in a hodgepodge of styles, colors, and patterns. (Growing up with a mother who required color-coded blinds, walls, and sheets, this was a refreshing take on styling a room.) However, despite where the tradition of mismatching started, I learned it is a great technique for any room. Who cares if your couch is blue and your rug is burgundy? Does it really matter if a lamp is from the 60s while the kitchen table is modern? Not one bit. Collect pieces that are unique to your own tastes. Then, once they are put together, the room will look like yours. (Not a scrable of time frames.) Because you hand-picked each item, they will come together to create a similar aesthetic effect.

Two: Thrift Shops are for Winners
Although a cliche, the saying of “one’s person’s trash…” is a true one. For instance, shopping at an estate sale or garage sale will give you access to many antique pieces. They may be dated, but that doesn’t mean their use is. And that shower gift you received may not fit into your new home, but it will make the final touches complete to another’s kitchen. But the best part of thrifting is the second-hand prices. Buying used will allow you to save more than half of what a new item would cost you.

Three: Prints, Prints, Prints
Decorating a room with prints is one of the easiest ways to add that extra pop. Stacking several pillows on a plain-colored couch will give it the attention it deserves without having to reupholster or buy new. (And best of all, you can have fun with colors and patterns.) Ultra money saving tip: buy a yard or so of fabric at a local craft store and staple it around a cheap frame. The decoration will cost you less than a fast food meal, and will fit your own style.

Finally, if I learned anything from living with Kelsey, it’s to not be afraid to add whimsy to your decorating style. Sometimes that means adding a touch of royal flare. Glitter patterns? Yes please. Tea cups with hand-painted owls? Absolutely. Pine cones molded from only the purest of pewter? Even better.

When it comes down to it, decorating should be something that makes where you live feel like its home. Surround yourself with pieces that you enjoy, and you’ll end up with your own brand of design.

Bethaney Wallace is a social media advocate for the mortgage rates website, MortgageSum. She is passionate about blogging and finding sales.

Kelsey Jones

Kelsey Jones

Founder/Chief Marketing Consultant at Six Stories
Kelsey Jones helps clients around the world grow their social media, content, and search marketing presence. She enjoys writing and consuming all kinds of content, both in digital and tattered paperback form.
Kelsey Jones
Kelsey Jones