I’ve been a fan of podcasting ever since I discovered HowStuffWorks.com’s series of podcasts, like Stuff You Should Know and Stuff You Missed in History Class. Since then, I’ve dabbled in podcasts in several different verticals, and of course got swept up in Serial as it was being published once per week.
Because I’ve been managing Marketing Nerds for some time, and since I’ve been a long-time listener, I feel like I’ve been getting the hang of podcasts and really realize the value. Below are just 12 reasons why I think podcasts are a great idea, whether you’re a business or just have an interest in a specific area and want to talk about it.
- It almost gets as many listens as there are Twitter users in the United States (15% versus 18%)[source].
- It’s sometimes easier to record 20-30 minutes of audio than to write a 1500 word blog post.
- It doesn’t require any extra special equipment- it can be done with Apple earbuds and your computer (though better equipment can be bought).
- It’s fairly easy to get started with WordPress plugins that auto-embed your episode
- Get found via podcast directories like Stitcher and IPDB
- Some of your audience may prefer audio versions of what you have to say.
- It’s basically free
- You can earn money via sponsors
- As your visibility grows, it becomes easier to ask experts in your industry to be a guest. This can strengthen your network and continue to grow your audience base.
- You can use podcasts as fodder for blog posts, webinars, and social media posts (or vice versa)
- Podcasts can come in several different formats; interviews, debates, discussions, etc.
- Podcasts can provide evergreen content that will hook your audience for years to come.
I currently manage the Marketing Nerds podcast over at Search Engine Journal. Check it out and let me know of any good topic ideas or potential guests that would be a good fit!
photo credit: Ultimate Ears 900s Noise-Isolating Earphones Unboxing via photopin (license)