On Tuesday, May 23rd, Snapchat revealed the launch of a new feature, which will give users the opportunity add content to a communal “Story.”

What is the new feature?

Many people are already familiar with the option to purchase a Snapchat filter to use in a geofenced area. This gives those in range access to the designated filter. This feature has been used commonly for weddings, graduations, and other events.

What’s new is that now by swiping to the “Story” page, invite other users to join by adding their username. This group can be named and will allow all group members to add content. You can also add “friends of friends” within a specified geographic area. However, this Story will vanish after 24 hours if no new content is added. This further incentivizes group members to keep up the “sharing streak.”

Why should marketers care?

By using these groups, brands can reach followers in a new way. Brands can target select groups to share specific content of interest. This provides an opportunity for brands to learn more from their followers. Brands will be able to share more details in real-time, while also receiving content which provides more insight into their followers.

The “Friends of Friends” feature is a tactic for brands to gain new followers. Now brands have a clear read on new potential followers based on who their friends are. Using this feature during a sponsored event can open the door for follower growth.

How to Incorporate This Today in Business

It’s expected that many brands will choose to incorporate this new feature quickly so getting out ahead of the masses is important. If a company doesn’t have many Snapchat followers, now is the time to incorporate giveaways or contests to attract new followers. Once a brand has made some progress on the follower front, they can know that their content is reaching a larger group of potential clients or customers.

Still unsure just how to proceed with these new Snapchat updates? Reach out to MoxieDot today and we can help create a plan to bring your company to the next level of success!

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