Productivity is key when it comes to your job but joy matters too, right? That’s why we’re letting you all in on the things that we can’t live without.

Now, to be honest, a list of all the things that we can’t live without would be a little much so we are sticking with the things we can’t live without when it comes to our jobs.

Now that we’ve specified a bit for you, let’s jump into it!:


Why’d we start our list with such a boring and obvious choice? Because it’s by far the most important, duh! We couldn’t get through a day without email but since you already know that, we want to take the time to highlight some of our fave features!

  • Rules – If you’ve ever missed an important email from your boss, you know that sinking feeling well. One way to avoid it? Set up rules that can assign specific colors or fonts to key people. That way, it’s easier to find important emails in your inbox.
  • Multiple Inboxes – One way to keep yourself organized? Use multiple inboxes! This helps you compartmentalize what type of work you’re currently doing. For those of us with just one job, it’s nice to have a clear distinction between our work and personal emails. However, this is incredibly helpful for freelancers or contractors with multiple work emails.


Want to quickly get ahold of your co-workers but don’t want to give out your personal cell number? Turn to Skype! Not only can you chat, call, or communicate via video, it helps keep you on track and productive!

Google Hangout

Like Skype, Google Hangout helps keep you in constant communication with your work team. If you’re a big fan of Google and their products, Google Hangout is perfect for you. Another great thing about Google Hangouts? It’s easy to schedule a Google calendar invite so that meeting attendants can easily (and intuitively) join a video conference!


One of the best ways to keep moving forward with your team is to keep all of your tasks organized. What’s the best way to do this? In our opinion, you can’t go wrong with Asana. Between keeping track of tasks and assigning projects to your team, this app can’t help but make the most disorganized team productive.


If you’re a freelancer, contractor, or simply want to know how long you spend on each task, you need Hubstaff. It’s impossibly easy to add clients/projects and it makes tracking your time a breeze.


Our best work happens when we’re listening to the best music. No matter your genre of choice, your work won’t suffer from perfectly timed playlists.


What keeps your business going forward? What do you think helps to make you the most productive? Here at Six Stories, we’d love to hear what worked for you!

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