How To Post A Facebook Ad In 6 Easy Steps

How To Post A Facebook Ad In 6 Easy Steps

You’ve seen ’em, I’ve seen ’em, we’ve all seen ’em! What am I talking about? Facebook Ads! Those innocuous little boxes are constantly clouding up our Facebook Newsfeeds but how effective are they? According to Hubspot’s blog,...
Honesty is Never Cliché in Marketing

Honesty is Never Cliché in Marketing

Think back to the best commercials or ads you’ve ever seen. Are they CGI geckos or fake families jumping with joy about $20 jeans? Probably not. The commercials that seem to stick out and stay with us for years (or even decades!) are the ones that are honest. Maybe...
Got a Small Budget? Go For the Human Element

Got a Small Budget? Go For the Human Element

When smaller company Super-Pharm wanted to compete with giants like Gillette when it comes to their line of M6 razors, they teamed up with Israeli agency BBR Saatchi & Saatchi to produce an advertising piece that gets notice. What do you do when you have a small...
Commercial of The Week: Dave’s #EpicStrut

Commercial of The Week: Dave’s #EpicStrut

When I had my old blog, I used to do Commercial Fridays, where I would share either a funny or ridiculous commercial and give my opinion on it. There are so many ridiculous commercials out there nowadays, so I can’t help re-starting this tradition of a weekly...