As computers become increasingly important in today’s world, the need for people who are capable of installing, programming and repairing them has become vital to the success of numerous industries. Thus, the field of Information Technology has rapidly become the choice of many college students looking to enter a fast-growing field that offers excellent pay, benefits and opportunities. In fact, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that jobs in this field will grow by 25 percent over the next decade, making it very attractive. However, to make sure you are able to land the tech job of your dreams, it’s important to have the right combination of skills employers will be seeking in the years ahead.

Strong Technical Abilities

First and foremost, having strong technical abilities is without a doubt what employers in the tech industry value most. Whether seeking a job as a systems analyst, computer programmer or network engineer it’s important to be well-versed in the technical skills needed for the job. This can be accomplished by taking a variety of classes that allow you to learn and then showcase your talents, which can then be developed even more by completing an internship. Not only will this let you put classroom skills to use in the real world, but provide practical experience that may lead to a job offer upon graduation.

Become a Team Player

While most jobs in the tech industry have long been thought of as solitary, in today’s workplace employers are putting much more emphasis on the team approach. Both written and oral communication skills are becoming more important as the workplace becomes much more diversified, so those people who are able to get along well with others and always be open to discussing new ideas will be valued. While in school, it’s a good idea to become involved in clubs or other activities that demonstrate your ability to collaborate with others.

Stay Curious

Being curious and not afraid to take on new challenges in the workplace is becoming a very important attribute for many employees to possess. Because technology is always changing, there is always a new program or other area that needs to be learned. Those employees who have demonstrated a willingness to take on difficult tasks and view them as positive experiences to learn will always rise to the top of the career ladder. In a job interview, employers will almost always ask you to discuss a time when you took on and overcame a difficult challenge, whether it was in or out of the classroom. By being able to do so, you can impress an interviewer and greatly increase your chances of getting hired.

Update Your Credentials

As social media has become a part of almost everyone’s lives within the past decade, it’s become more and more important to make sure you use it wisely when pursuing your first job in the tech industry. Employers expect you to have online profiles that demonstrate maturity and professionalism, and it’s almost a given that your profiles will be viewed by employers prior to an interview. In a recent study, it was determined that more than 70 percent of employers viewed the social media profiles of people they would be interviewing, demonstrating the importance that is placed on these profiles. People who use these sites to promote their qualifications and demonstrate a high level of maturity and dedication to their chosen field will always be viewed more favorably than those who make questionable choices online.

online networking


Take Advantage of Networking

A great way to land your first job in the tech industry is to join professional organizations within the field. This allows you the chance to meet people from various companies and organizations face-to-face in settings that are often relaxed and informal, where you can get to know each other personally as well as professionally. Many of these groups can be joined while in college, and it is often these connections that can lead to job offers after graduation. Because people tend to hire others who are similar to themselves, making a great first impression and becoming a leader within one of these groups can go far in laying the groundwork for a great career.

For those who choose to take advantage of these and other opportunities, landing an initial job in the tech industry will be much easier to accomplish. Today’s workplace is changing almost daily, and employers everywhere are always looking for people who can bring many skills to the table. By having excellent technical skills, an ability to relate well with others from various backgrounds and possessing a never-ending desire to learn new skills and conquer tougher and tougher challenges, you could be well on your way to landing a tech industry job that will make your dreams come true.


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