MoxieDot is Going to SES San Francisco 2013

MoxieDot is Going to SES San Francisco 2013

 I will be attending SES San Francisco next week with Search Engine Journal. I am so excited for this opportunity. In addition to attending sessions on search engine marketing, social media, and content during the three days of the conference, I will also be helping...
How to Stay Secure Online

How to Stay Secure Online

So how does one stay secure online? With all of the cybery-hacks out there you need to take care of yourself and be safe. Watch What You Say Be responsible for what you are doing and saying online. You are part of an online community and you need to take other people...
How to Stay Secure Online

Is Changing Your Business Name a Terrible Idea?

When I got the email that Pinfluencer was changing its name to Piqora, I wanted to puke. Why would they do that? Sure, they are expanding their services to include other networks, but the site name Pinfluencer was becoming a household name and well-known when it came...