How To Post A Facebook Ad In 6 Easy Steps

How To Post A Facebook Ad In 6 Easy Steps

You’ve seen ’em, I’ve seen ’em, we’ve all seen ’em! What am I talking about? Facebook Ads! Those innocuous little boxes are constantly clouding up our Facebook Newsfeeds but how effective are they? According to Hubspot’s blog,...
5 Ways to Use Facebook Live Video For Business

5 Ways to Use Facebook Live Video For Business

The live video trend continues to grow, with Facebook generating 8 billion video views on native and live video daily, according to Social Media Today. Many marketers know about it, but are scared to try it, mostly because so many things can go wrong on a live...
A Month of Facebook Content Ideas

A Month of Facebook Content Ideas

Creating content to post… it’s a big deal. But does anyone else have a love/hate relationship with it? When we have time and we are on top of everything, we love creating content. But when we are behind on life.. it’s the WORST. For those days when...
The Power Of Hashtags

The Power Of Hashtags

When I think of the millennial generation, a few buzzwords come to mind but one stands out above the rest. That word is “trending”. What was once described by the dictionary simply as “emerging as a popular trend,” now has an...