Free State Social Re-Cap: Sarah Evans

Here’s another re-cap piece from Free State Social- Sarah Evans. I was able to attend virtually and didn’t have any technology problems- almost unheard of. Sarah runs her own business- Sevans Strategy and can be found on Twitter: @prsarahevans She was...

Free State Social Re-Cap: Chris Brogan

I’m attending Free State Social today virtually, because I wasn’t able to make it to Lawrence, Kansas. I thought I’d share my notes with you are. Here’s what I’ve gathered from Chris Brogan, who was one of the best speakers during the...

Free State Social Re-Cap: Shawna Coronado

As I mentioned earlier, I attended Free State Social Thursday and learned a ton. Here’s my key points from Shawna Coronado, who is a healthy eating blogger and author of Gardening Nude. Key points/quotes from Shawna’s Presentation entitled How Building A...